A CHOC neurologist has been elected to the board of directors of a national pediatric neurology organization.
Dr. Mary Zupanc, Division Chief of pediatric neurology at CHOC and director of the pediatric comprehensive epilepsy program, has been named councillor of the west for the Child Neurology Society, a nonprofit professional association of pediatric neurologists in the United States, Canada and worldwide.
“I’m thrilled for an opportunity to expand my work of advocacy for children with neurologic conditions at CHOC to a global level,” Dr. Zupanc said.
She begins her term in October 2016 at the organization’s annual meeting in Vancouver, Canada. The Child Neurology Society’s board of directors comprises councillors of the east, Midwest and west; a president; a past-president; and a secretary-treasurer.
“The Child Neurology Society is fortunate to be able to draw on such a deep pool of bright, capable, community-oriented leaders willing to offer their time and talent to help shape the future of child neurology through the Child Neurology Society,” the group said in its announcement.