In March 2013, the Heart Institute with its new Heart Center begins a new era at CHOC in caring for children with acquired and congenital heart disease. The new Heart Center will have:
1. Catheterization Laboratories with state-of-the-art biplane imaging and hybrid surgery facilities to offer combined cardiac surgery-interventional catheterization expertise;
2. Echocardiography Laboratory with its advanced cardiac imaging capabilities such as three-dimensional imaging and sophisticated functional assessment;
3. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Laboratory with full exercise testing equipment by specialized expertise to assess functional capacity in children and young adults;
4. Electrophysiology Testing Center with pacemaker follow-up and loop recording as well as all outpatient monitoring devices for arrhythmias;
5. Perinatal Cardiac Center with advanced cardiac fetal imaging and a consult area for maternal-fetal cardiac consultations with experienced perinatal pediatric cardiologists; and
6. Multidisciplinary Clinic with future plans for multidisciplinary clinics that will gather multiple subspecialists for unique patient populations with special needs and expertise.
With the full array of diagnostic testing and expansive clinic area, the new Heart Center and the Heart Institute will be offering the very best in coordinated care for children and young adults with acquired and congenital heart disease in the region.
For more information about the CHOC Heart Institute, please visit
For more information on referring patients, prior authorizations or our cardiodiagnostic, interventional and surgical services offered at the CHOC Heart Institute, please call 888-770-CHOC(2462).