This online discussion will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 27 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. and is designed for healthcare providers.
Centralizing advanced care for congenital anomalies
The Fetal Care Center of Southern California connects experts in maternal-fetal medicine and pediatrics in a single location at CHOC.
NIH grant aims to locate high-frequency oscillations to reduce pediatric seizures
Developed by CHOC and UC Irvine, a new way to control pediatric seizures uses densely spaced electrodes to map high-frequency oscillations.
New tool for craniosynostosis treatment highlights Neuroscience Institute’s push to advance care
A recently installed 3D camera system in CHOC’s neurosurgery clinic will significantly advance CHOC’s mission to treat craniosynostosis.
LITT: Prolonging life, limiting complications in recurrent medulloblastoma
A year after undergoing laser interstitial thermal therapy, a young patient showed significant reduction in tumor size and enhancement.
Bien, gracias a Dios: Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
The strength and positivity of pediatric cancer patients inspire Dr. Rishi Chavan, and the entire CHOC Cancer Institute, daily.