The commitment and dedication of CHOC clinicians will ensure happy holidays for many families – including the McLeods. This will be the first holiday season for the new family of four, only recently reunited at home following son Ryan’s 17-week stay in CHOC Small Baby Unit (SBU). Ryan was born this past winter at just […]
CHOC Encourages Appropriate Use of Antimicrobial Agents
By: M. Tuan Tran, infectious disease pharmacist at CHOC, and Dr. Negar Ashouri, infectious disease specialist at CHOC With the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Joint Commission set to require the adoption of core elements of antimicrobial stewardship in 2017, CHOC will continue to uphold the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents […]
Nasal Flu Vaccine Not Recommended This Season – What Patients and Families Should Know
An advisory committee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently recommended that the nasal spray influenza vaccine not be used this upcoming flu season. In this Q&A, Dr. Jasjit Singh, medical director of infection prevention and control at CHOC, offers an explanation for your patients and their families. Q: What does this […]
In the Spotlight: Kushal Bhakta, M.D.
In recognition of prematurity awareness month, we’re highlighting Dr. Kushal Bhakta, medical director of CHOC Small Baby Unit (SBU). The Small Baby Unit – the first of its kind – opened in 2010. The special 12-bed unit within our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is designed for babies born at less than 28 weeks gestation […]
ROSA Robot Assists in CHOC Patient’s Successful Epilepsy Surgery
Five-year-old Ian Higginbotham recently enjoyed his best summer yet. He experienced his first family vacation. He learned to swim and ride a bike. He got himself ready for kindergarten. These are milestones most kids and parents, alike, eagerly welcome. But there was a time when Ian’s parents weren’t certain their son, who was born seemingly […]
CHOC Metabolic Specialist Profiled in Science Magazine
The work of a CHOC metabolic disorders specialist and is highlighted in a recent Science magazine article. The article hinges on Dr. Raymond Wang’s work to help a patient with a rare condition called Niemann-Pic Type C, a condition that causes cholesterol to accumulate in the brain, lungs, liver and spleen, leading to deterioration and […]