CHOC has partnered with pingmd, a secure, HIPAA compliant messaging app, which allows you to securely send text messages, videos and images to our specialists available within the network. We spoke with Dr. Kenneth Grant, pingmd physician champion and assistant division chief of gastroenterology/nutrition division at CHOC, to provide us with the latest on this new tool.

What are the main benefits of using pingmd?
Communication is much more efficient with this platform, and less likely to interfere with normal workflow. The triage of messages is also more efficient.
What has your experience been so far with the new app?
Phenomenal. I can respond to a lot more requests in a more timely manner. I can use my smart phone, tablet or computer. The app has been working very consistently and speed has notably improved recently.
Do community physicians have direct access to CHOC specialists with this tool?
Yes, once a community physician provides his/her email and practice affiliation to CHOC Business Development, the physician will then receive an invitation to pingmd. Once signed up, community physicians have access to the directory of CHOC specialists who are actively using pingmd. Messages are marked when sent and viewed. The app makes it clear when a user is offline. The CHOC specialists concierge is also available on pingmd, or by calling 714-509-4013.
Is there a cost to sign up?
There is no cost for CHOC physicians or community physicians.
Who should physicians contact to learn more or to sign up?
Please contact CHOC Business Development at 714-509-4329, or, provide your email, address and practice info to