A comprehensive study by CHOC shows kids taking inhaled corticosteroids for their asthma may help prevent serious illness from COVID-19.
Trochleoplasty, tape implant improve knee surgery outcomes
CHOC is pioneering surgical approaches to patellofemoral instability and patellar dislocation, as well as postsurgical pain mitigation.
CHOC leader receives Visionary Award for innovation initiative she greenlit a decade ago
The recent PEDS2040 conference brought together medical staff and leaders to collaborate on innovation in pediatric healthcare.
The causes and prevention of diagnostic errors in medicine
A CHOC expert discusses the frequency and risk of diagnostic errors in pediatric medicine, and discusses processes to prevent them.
Five ways that motivational interviewing can enhance patient-physician communication
A CHOC expert offers tips to physicians on how to use motivational interviewing to enhance physician-patient communication.
Research Institute celebrates collaboration, achievements at annual strategy retreat
The CHOC Research Institute aims to pave the way for innovation in pediatric treatments with strategic academic partnerships.