Team of more than 20 epileptologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons and others are committed to improving outcomes for people with epilepsy.
Pediatric mental health services take the spotlight at Research Day 2023 at CHOC
CHOC’s annual Research Day back in full, in-person swing this year with nearly 80 scientific poster and podium presentations.
CHOC tapped for mental health expertise on national AI project involving electronic medical records
CHOC is part of an FDA-lead study that will use AI to fill gaps in knowledge in studies of the uses and effects of medications.
Mental health specialists value being embedded in primary care clinics
New CHOC study integrating mental health into primary care seeks patients to receive cognitive therapy and/or medication.
WellSpaces, other initiatives showcase CHOC’s efforts at addressing mental health crisis
CHOC collaborates with the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) to address the youth mental health crisis.
CHOC awarded ACEs Aware grant funding to provide trauma-informed care training
The grant helps CHOC to train community providers on incorporating Adverse Childhood Experiences screenings into their clinical practice.