CHOC is one of two free-standing children’s hospitals in the nation to earn the distinction recognizing outstanding employee engagement.
Meet Dr. Reshmi Basu
CHOC pediatrician Dr. Reshmi Basu’s goal is to help all her patients grow and thrive to become healthy, successful adults.
CHOC-hosted inaugural Pacific Coast Fetal Cardiology Symposium provides vital education
More than a dozen cases were presented by various speakers and featured obstructive left heart lesions, Heterotaxy syndromes, and more topics.
Meet Dr. Esther Yang
Depression, anxiety and ADHD are among a CHOC psychologist Dr. Esther Yang’s most common diagnoses in her teen patients.
Meet Dr. Saeed Awan
The pediatric general surgeon has expertise in liver and bile duct surgery and a special interest in gastroschisis sutureless closure.
Provide Your Feedback in CHOC’s Physician Engagement Survey by May 15
The annual survey is physicians’ chance to provide valuable and candid input, which will help strengthen and improve programs and services.