The project aims to bring new insight into how metabolic health, obesity, sleep apnea and lifestyle contribute to cognitive impairments, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions in people with DST.
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CureARS and CHOC symposium unites leading rare disease researchers
The event drew participants from representatives of eight children’s hospitals, 15 organizations, and a total of 200 attendees representing 20 states and four countries.
Department of Defense grant boosts CHOC’s research into novel hydrocephalus treatment
CHOC Neuroscience Institute to study a non-surgical way to treat the debilitating and complex disease.
CHOC Research Day 2024 highlights pediatric brain health
Collaborative efforts of diverse experts from CHOC and UCI in neonatal brain health research seek to optimize pediatric neurodevelopmental outcomes.
Searching for a cure at CHOC’s Rett Syndrome Center of Excellence
Learn about the Rett Syndrome Center of Excellence at CHOC and how upcoming clinical trials hold hope for a cure and better treatment.
Compassionate-use therapies for a deadly infection save the life of cancer patient
CHOC infectious disease expert Dr. Erlinda “Chulie” Ulloa makes history nationally with investigational medication.